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About Solid

Solid is an open standard for structuring data, digital identities, and applications on the Web.

Solid aims to support the creation of the Web as Sir Tim Berners-Lee originally envisioned it when he invented the Web at CERN in 1989. Tim sometimes refers to Solid as β€œthe web - take 3" β€” or Web3.0 β€” because Solid integrates a new layer of standards into the Web we already have. The goal of Solid is for people to have more agency over their data.


Solid is a specification that lets people store their data securely in decentralized data stores called Pods. Pods are like secure personal web servers for your data.

Entities control access to the data in their Pod. Entities decide what data to share and with whom (be those individuals, organizations, applications, etc.), and can revoke access at any time.

To store and access data in a Pod, Solid-enabled applications use standard, open, and interoperable data formats and protocols.


Any kind of data can be stored in a Solid Pod β€” from structured data to files that one might store in a Google Drive or Dropbox folder.

What makes Solid special is the ability to store data in a way that promotes interoperability. Specifically, Solid supports storing Linked Data. Structuring data as Linked Data means that different applications can work with the same data.

Fully interoperable standards


All data in a Solid Pod is stored and accessed using standard, open, and interoperable data formats and protocols. Solid uses a common, shared way of describing things and their relationships to one another that different applications can understand. This gives Solid the unique ability to allow different applications to work with the same data.



With Solid's Authentication and Authorization systems, one can determine which people and applications can access their data. Entities can grant or revoke access to any slice of their data as needed. Consequently, entities can do more with their data, because the applications they decide to use can be granted access to a wider and more diverse set of information.

And just as one can share their data with others, others can also share their data in return. This creates rich and collaborative experiences across a combination of both personal and shared data.


  • Organizations Deploying Solid

    See organizations working to support the deployment of Solid technology across a range of sectors.

    See organizations
  • Develop a Solid application

    Find tutorials, repositories, libraries, and vocabularies.

    Develop an application
  • Example applications

    Find examples of applications built with Solid.

    See example applications